Invest in Student Success

Increase State General Aid by $10 million to help keep up with rising costs while maintaining affordable and high-quality programs. This funding request reflects the need to equalize funding for colleges that have seen large enrollment growth in the past ten years, therefore half of the appropriated funds will go to those colleges to help equalize funding statewide

Address Workforce Needs

  • Fund Governor Reynolds' signature Last Dollar Scholarship program to meet the needs of students in high demand programs.
  • Sustain funding and continue to improve dedicated workforce education and training programs to keep up with business demand and meet students' needs.
  • Support the continued expansion of the College and Career Transition Counselor initiative statewide, including underserved rural areas, by excluding it from the cap.

Serve Local Communities

  • Maintain strong local decision-making to connect programs to local community needs.
  • Change and eliminate policies that create unnecessary regulatory burdens to enhance operational efficiency.